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PINE NEEDLE (Pinus sylvestris)

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Price £4.85 inc. VAT
Code: 54

Pine Needle (Pinus sylvestris)

Location: Pine grows in northern Europe and Russia.

Extraction: Steam distilled from the needles(leaves)

Colour and Odour: The essential oil is colourless and a strong, fresh and penetrating aroma.

Description: A large evergreen conifer tree growing up to 40 metres and having reddish, deeply fissured bark and long stiff needle-like leaves with pointed, brown woody cones. The tree exhales its essential oil into the surrounding atmosphere: it is an exhilarating experience to walk through a pine forest breathing the crisp fragrance.

Background: Long known to the ancients, pine is now important for producing timber and turpentine. Its medicinal value was known to the Arabs, Greeks and Romans. An excellent air freshener and disinfectant.

Properties: Refreshing, deodorant, strongly antiseptic, expectorant and stimulant.


Respiratory System: Very good for colds, catarrh and sore throats. Eases breathlessness and helps to clear the sinuses. Pine is especially helpful for hay fever.

Muscular System-Relieves muscular or rheumatic pain and general stiffness.

Emotion: Promotes feelings of energy and well-being. Helps with loss of concentration, mental fatigue and emotional weakness.

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PINE NEEDLE (Pinus sylvestris)

PINE NEEDLE (Pinus sylvestris)
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